The regional Fairtrade Conference took place on 11th October at the University of Central Lancashire and the school was represented by Mrs Tilt, our Fairtrade Coordinator. The stimulating day featured workshops that provided the opportunity to share ideas about Fairtrade with other schools and colleges and to find out the latest Fairtrade news from Fairtrade Foundation staff and overseas representatives.

AbhishekJani 2There was a focus on Lebanon and India which are both countries making huge progress along the Fairtrade route and a key way they are achieving this is by engaging young people. The two countries are working hard to encourage local people to support Fairtrade as well as being Fairtrade producing countries.

Abhishek Jani, the Executive Director of Fairtrade India, spoke inspiringly about how Fairtrade is being used as a bridge between rural and urban communities in India and promoting Fairtrade to young people with the slogan, 'love your food, love your farmer'.

There were lots of fascinating ideas from the conference which will feed into our own Fairtrade day during Fairtrade Fortnight 2015.


Mrs C Tilt

Fairtrade Coordinator

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