Chesterton Community Sports College is a successful, caring, innovative 11-16 school.
GCSE results show that pupils make positive progress across a range of subjects. Our school is over-subscribed due to the outstanding personalised education that we offer.
The school is proud of its motto, 'To Be The Best You Can Be' which underpins the ethos of our school.
Wednesday 26th March: Year 10 Set Phrases
Thursday 27th March: Year 8 Core & Options Evening
Thursday 27th March: Drama Prep
Friday 28th March: Year 11 Drama Exam
Friday 28th March: Child Dev. and Health & Social Catch-Up P5-7
If you or your child has any issues you can contact us via email, through our Facebook page, via the school website, or call the office on 01782 568350.
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma- which is living the results of other people’s thinking.”
Steve Jobs
“Industrial pollution and discarding plastic waste must be tackled for the sake of all life in the ocean.”
Sir David Attenborough
“Reduce, reuse, recycle: a formula for a greener, cleaner future.”
Pete Seeger
Thu Mar 27 Year 7 Basketball |
Thu Mar 27 Year 8 Core & Options Evening |
Tue Apr 01 MFL Speaking Exams |
Wed Apr 02 Year 7 RSE Day |
Mon Apr 07 Music Coursework Day |
CEO of Collective Vision Trust
Mr R Swindells
Mrs S Waterhouse
Deputy Headteachers
Miss K Dunne and Mrs H Felton