Chesterton Community Sports College is a successful, caring, innovative 11-16 school.
GCSE results show that pupils make positive progress across a range of subjects. Our school is over-subscribed due to the outstanding personalised education that we offer.
The school is proud of its motto, 'To Be The Best You Can Be' which underpins the ethos of our school.
Friday 4th October: SEN Coffee Morning
Tuesday 8th October: Year 11 Music Competition Day 1
Wednesday 9th October: Year 11 Music Competition Day 2
Thursday 10th October: Year 7 Settle In Evening
Thursday 10th October: Year 7 Think Tank
Friday 11th October: Year 10 RSE Day
“I do not think that the human race will survive the next thousand years, unless we spread into space”.
Stephen Hawking (in 2001)
“The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn’t have a space programme”.
Larry Nixon/Arthur C Clarke
“We are going to learn how to relate to the Earth and our natural environment here by looking seriously at space colony ecologies”.
Rusty Schweickart (Astronaut)
Wed Oct 09 Year 11 Music Composition Day 2 |
Thu Oct 10 Year 7 Settle In Evening |
Thu Oct 10 Year 7 Think Tank Trip |
Fri Oct 11 Year 10 RSE Day |
Mon Oct 14 Year 10 Spanish Mock Speaking Exams Week |
Mr R Swindells BA (Hons)
Deputy Headteacher
Mrs S Waterhouse BA (Hons)