CCSC is very much part of the local community in Chesterton.
We are proud that our pupils have been involved in a variety of projects with local organisations which have involved charity fundraising, volunteering and community work.
The school has close links with the Chesterton Branch of the Salvation Army and every year the school supports the annual Toy Appeal at Christmas. Pupils have also helped with gardening at the Salvation Army premises and held an art display in the reception area there.
Each year, the RMS Leaders present a whole school assembly about Operation Christmas Child and then co-ordinate the collection of shoeboxes that have been generously filled by our students. For several years the school has donated over 100 shoeboxes to this fantastic charity that puts a smile on the face of a child living in extreme poverty.
The RMS Leaders also organise three Community Days each year. As part of this, the leaders are joined by the school choir at Christmas time to sing and bring cheer to our local care homes and the hospital, they also organise coffee mornings held at school for members of our local community, they visit the local primary schools and deliver workshops in dance, drama and information about religious festivals and they do community litter picks around our local area.