Now in their second half term at CCSC year 7 are fully settled in and are making good progress with their learning. Year 7 are in ability sets for maths and follow a differentiated course matched to individual needs.

Mr Wynne's year 7 group have just started learning about algebra and have enjoyed puzzle style tasks involving using letters to represent missing numbers.

When the head of department visited the group recently the pupils were eager to show her their books and talk about their learning.

Joseph Wilson was very proud of his work on calculating the area of triangles and Ryan Edwards explained how he had used bar charts to record data. Amelia Taylor and Wiktoria Rosiak showed off their work on numeracy skills whilst Jordan Fowler clearly enjoyed explaining the calculation strategies he had used to Mr Wynne.

Assistant Head of Maths, Mr Wynne, said: "The pupils are working very well and I'm really pleased with the progress they are making. There is always a lovely working atmosphere in the classroom."


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