The Year 11 Prom for the class of 2014 took place on Friday 4th July. The celebratory evening was held at our usual venue, The Comus Restaurant, Keele University.
Luckily, the rain held off long enough for the students to pose for photos outside the venue with their families and friends and to have their year group photograph on the steps leading to the restaurant. The year 11 students looked fabulous and very grown-up in their dresses and suits. The students and staff enjoyed a three course meal, followed by fun awards for the students and staff organised by Mrs J Rowley. The enjoyable evening came to a close with the ever popular disco.
The organisation by this year's prom committee was superb, it was a real team effort.
As always we were proud to share this special evening with our year 11 students and the memories will stay with them forever. We wish them good luck for the future.
A selection of photographs from the evening can be seen below. Please click on an image to enlarge it.
Mrs D Thompson
Prom Co-ordinator