The academic year 2013/2014 was a busy and productive one at CCSC. The year began with outstanding exam results as 75% of year 11 achieved 5 or more GCSEs at grades A* - C including English and Maths. Teaching and learning were further enhanced with new interactive resources in every classroom and the school developed its growing reputation for high quality teacher training.
Mrs L Jackson, Executive Headteacher, said, 'I am extremely proud of the progress that CCSC continues to make in academic standards and impressed with our achievements in sport, music, and community work.'
September 2013
Open Night was impressive as it showcased the work of the school and many parents took up the offer of school tours during the working day. Demand for places was extremely high as CCSC is increasingly the first choice school in the area. Learning was enhanced by humanities visits to Liverpool and Conwy and an able and talented maths event at Keele University.
October 2013
A fun, challenging workshop for high achieving year 7 pupils and their parents was enjoyed by over a hundred participants and a year 9 Modern Languages evening helped parents become conversant with GCSE French and Spanish. PE student James Brayford received national recognition as he was selected to lead out the Tour Of Britain cycle race.
November 2013
Members of the school council visited Westminster as guests of our local MP and a group of the most able year 11 students attended a taster day at Oxford University. Year 8 pupils visited the Britannia Stadium for a Heartstart event with Stoke City players and at CCSC year 9 able and talented pupils and their parents attended a GCSE workshop. A charity netball match raised funds for BBC Children in Need and a pupil led cake sale supported the Philippines typhoon relief fund. Sporting success came to the year 11 boys' badminton squad as they secured third place in a regional tournament.
December 2013
A new community event involved pupils entertaining and supporting elderly people in a local residential home. A joint concert with feeder primaries was performed in the school hall and year 7 enjoyed a trip to the local theatre. The ever popular Languages Day had a South American theme across the curriculum and some memorable staff fancy dress. The school raised over £620 for the local Salvation Army Christmas Toy Appeal.
January 2014
The Heartstart health initiative was extended to local primaries with CCSC pupil ambassadors helping to deliver the training. Chesterton's Got Talent made a flying start with impressive performances in the heats. On the sporting front year 9 student Greg Lunt was nominated for Stoke on Trent Junior Sports Personality after winning a national boxing title and the PE department introduced an Italian ski trip. GCSE History students engaged in a fantastic Roman Medicine Workshop.
February 2014
A school wide Fairtrade Day involved collaboration with Keele University and sponsorship from local businesses as pupils made bicycle powered banana smoothies. In Science, Matthew Chau, Lydia Wootton and Leah Hopwood won regional biology awards and in Maths, Jack Austin achieved a silver award in the UK Maths Challenge with Joshua Edgeley, Pippa Phillips, Lewis Madeley and Lucie Moss earning bronze. Year 10 student Megan Montford was selected to represent England in the World Kickboxing Championships. CGT was won by year 11 singer Alice Jones after a closely contested final.
March 2014
World Book Day was celebrated with a variety of literary activities in the school library. Year 7 and 8 pupils enjoyed visits to the Black Country Musuem and Chester Zoo respectively whilst year 10 and 11 performing arts students were inspired by their residential trip to London. Back at school year 5 loved taking part in 'taster days' and a swimathon raised funds for Sport Relief.
April 2014
GCSE students were busy completing coursework and revising for exams whilst in KS3 year 8 pupils were embarking on the options process to choose their GCSE subjects. There was success in athletics with Jack McDonald, Courtney Munro, Melissa Murray, Jacob Walton and Matthew Ray qualifiying for the County Championships. CCSC came second overall in the Festival of Chemistry at Keele University. The school was awarded the Fair Aware Award by the Fairtrade Foundation.
May 2014
Half term study days held by the Maths, History and Science departments were well attended and appreciated by GCSE students. A new prefect team was selected from year 10 and in the UK Junior Maths Challenge there was a silver award for Matthew Chau and bronze for Lara Ravenscroft.
June 2014
Tom Lomax and Natasha Futter qualified for the County Championships Junior Athletics. The MFL department led a Spanish trip to Barcelona; meanwhile CCSC hosted visiting student teachers from the USA. In Creative Learning Week all KS3 pupils developed their extended learning in one area chosen from a wide range including: Flight, Drama, Forensic Science, Challenge (PE), Going Places, Photography, Eureka (Ancient Greece), Fashion, Egg Race, Going Places and Make, Eat, Visit. Year 10 used Post 16 Week to help them make informed future choices.
July 2014
Sports Day was won by Shakespeare House after a full day of varied activities. The acclaimed Summer Concert featured a range of music, dance and drama performances with refreshments served in the fabulous new decking area. Year 6 pupils felt at home after their welcome day, whilst the Class of 2014 marked the end of their school life with a glamorous prom held at the Comus Restaurant. A group of KS3 students unearthed the past on a weekend archaeology trip and several students had their 'letters to an unknown soldier' included in a national WW1 memorial. Certificate Evening celebrated the success of subject prize winners with their families.