High achieving Year 7 pupils who are on the able and talented register attended a family workshop on Thursday 9th October 2014. The evening event was a mixture of presentations designed to explain the provision at CCSC for able pupils and some fun and challenging activities for pupils and parents to do together.
There was a fantastic atmosphere in the hall with everyone really engaging with the varied activities. A wide range of skills and creative talents were put to use as the participants worked on a paper cutting challenge, a literary activity, a mathematical problem solving task and recreating an artwork from memory. The final task of the evening was a practical team challenge to make a tall free standing tower from a given set of materials.
Over 120 participants attended the event which was organised by Mrs Tilt, assisted by Mr Mackin, Mrs Hall, Mr Kelsall and members of the year 11 prefect team.
Photographs from evening can be seen below. Please click on an image to enlarge it.
Mrs C Tilt
Leader of Able and Talented Provision