Welcome to Chesterton Community Sports College
A very warm welcome to all parents/carers whose child has been offered a place here at Chesterton Community Sports College and who will be joining us in September 2024. We hope you and your families are all well, our welcome letter will be sent out shortly.
Soon, our transition team will be visiting primary schools to find out about our up and coming Year 7’s. This visit will allow your child to meet some of our staff before their Welcome days which are scheduled for Tuesday 2 and Wednesday 3 July 2024.
Alongside our induction, we are committed to supporting your child’s move into Secondary School. We will be uploading information in this section of our website to support with this process. The information will help answer most of your questions as we aim to allay any worries or concerns.
A full list of information will be available by the beginning of July 2024. You will also be provided with a parent information pack.
On Thursday 11th July 2024 there will be a Parents’ Evening starting at 6.00pm. During this evening you will have an opportunity to meet key members of staff associated with Year 7. We will be writing to you next term outlining the detail of both the Welcome days and the Parents’ Evening.
We would like you to know that on Tuesday 3rd September our new Year 7 are invited up in the afternoon to familiarise themselves with us-school will only be open to Year 7 only.
Pupils will spend time with key staff and will be involved in activities where they can continue to get to know their form group. Students will need to bring their bags and equipment, before we all start back on Wednesday 4th September 2024. For more details please CLICK HERE.