What PE kit is needed for PE lessons?
- ·Blue CCSC PE polo shirt
- ·Black shorts, leggings or joggers
- ·Trainers – not their school trainers (this can be football boots if lessons are on the astro/field)
- ·CCSC PE hoodie or a plain black/blue sports top (your child can check this by speaking to their PE teacher)
- ·Long hair tied up and jewellery removed/covered with a plaster (provided by home)
Swimming lessons:
- ·Towel
- ·Plain blue/black swimming costume or shorts – Bermuda style shorts are not allowed
- ·If goggles are required then these need to be accompanied by a note from home granting permission for their use
- ·If excused, your child is to bring their PE kit to change into at the start of the lesson
NB: Your child is still expected to bring their PE kit to all PE lessons even when excused from PE.
My child cannot find part of their PE kit. Can they bring an alternative?
YES! If there is a genuine reason that your child cannot bring part of their CCSC PE kit, then we encourage pupils to bring a suitable alternative. No contact with the office is required, your child just needs to have a quick conversation with their PE teacher. However, if there is a long term reason for your child to not have the correct PE kit, then contact from home will be required. The correct PE kit is always the desired standard, therefore, acquiring a replacement PE item is desirable. The PE department can also provide clean spare kit.
What do I need to do if my child is unable to take part in PE due to injury/illness?
If your child is injured/medically unable to take part in PE lessons, please contact the school office (message/phone call/email) by 9am to inform us of the reasons why your child is unable to take part. Your message will be passed on to your child’s PE teacher. Although excused from PE, your child is still required to bring their PE kit. This allows pupils to still be fully included in the lesson and means they are able to take part in a less active role such as coaching, umpiring/refereeing and recording results. In addition, pupils’ lessons do take place outside in all seasons, including wet weather. Staff will ask your child to change in to their PE kit thus leaving them with dry, warm uniform to change into at the end of the lesson.
**Please note that if a request to be excused is for a number of PE lessons, then medical evidence may be required**
What is the consequence of my child not having their PE kit/not being excused from PE?
When a pupil comes to PE without their PE kit, with or without contact from home, the PE department are able to provide clean, spare PE kit for them to wear. If a pupil refuses to wear this kit, therefore, preventing them to be able to participate in the lesson, that pupil will receive a conduct log for NO PE KIT. This conduct log will result in a lunchtime detention at the next timetabled PE lunchtime detention. If your child fails to attend through being defiant, the number of lunch detentions will be doubled. A third no show will result in the detention being moved to after school and home being contacted.
My daughter has recently started her periods and is worried about this. What happens with her PE/swimming lessons?
We fully understand that periods can be a shock and a concern to pupils, particularly when they have just started. All pupils are still expected to take part in the lessons and to bring their PE kit but staff are vigilant and understanding of issues where stomach cramps can be uncomfortable and more frequent use of the toilet is necessary. If your child has recently started their period or is in some discomfort, please contact the school office, who can relay the any concerns to their PE teacher.
**For swimming lessons, the protocols for your child being injured/ill will need to be followed (see above)**
Can swimming goggles be used during swimming lessons?
Yes. Swimming goggles are allowed to be worn during swimming lessons but written or verbal consent (via the school office) is needed in order for your child to use them.
Do I need to purchase shin pads and gum guards?
Shin pads and gum guards are encouraged and advised for contact sports and pupils will be required to wear them for football, rugby and hockey.
What footwear is allowed/suitable for PE?
Sports, astro trainers and football boots are all suitable for PE lessons. Footwear that is worn as part of school uniform, flat soles and canvas linings are not permitted for PE lessons. This is because they do not offer the correct amount of support needed when doing activities completed in PE lessons.
My child can’t swim and is worrying about taking part in lessons. How will they be supported?
At CCSC, we believe that water competency is an important life skill. Therefore, we strive to cater for all pupil abilities during swimming lessons. Pupils will receive support from their PE teacher in lessons and are actively encouraged to attend the extra-curricular swimming clubs (currently running twice a week) to improve their swimming ability and water confidence. Furthermore, we can provide details of local swimming clubs/teaching classes to further develop their swimming ability.
My child is worried about getting changed in the changing rooms and not having their own personal space.
There are two changing rooms available in the sports centre with ample room for pupils to change in. Classes are allocated to a changing area to ensure that the changing experience is as comfortable as possible. The changing rooms are supervised by staff to ensure safety of the pupils at all times and, most importantly, that the time spent in them is at a minimum to help maximise activity levels within lessons.
What is the consequence of my child not having their PE kit/not being excused from PE?
When a pupil comes to PE without their PE kit, with or without contact from home, the PE department are able to provide clean, spare PE kit for them to wear. If a pupil refuses to wear this kit, therefore, preventing them to be able to participate in the lesson, that pupil will receive a conduct log for NO PE KIT. This conduct log will result in a 30 minute after school detention being issued for the following Monday. Home will be notified of this detention by text. If further issues occur regarding a refusal to bring/wear kit, further sanctions will be applied.