As part of the 'Plays in Performance' topic, Year 7 have been studying 'Romeo and Juliet' by the famed William Shakespeare. Students have examined the plot with close detail, analysed Shakespearean language, and created their own interpretation of the play. In addition to this, pupils have enjoyed taking part in various tasks that have promoted speaking and listening skills. One example of this was the task of recreating 'Romeo and Juliet' for a modern audience. An assortment of wild, weird and wonderful ideas were pitched to Film Director, Miss Spielberg, including changing the setting from Verona to Chesterton, and having the iconic fight scene between Mercutio and Tybalt take place in Asda!
The most anticipated task was the courtroom trial, in which pupils had to prepare witness statements based on their knowledge of the events in Act 3 Scene 1 (the aforementioned iconic fight scene). Pupils were given specific roles in the trial: they were briefed on the type of role they had to play, and what language they would be expected to use. The pupils threw themselves into the drama activity with verve and enthusiasm, making for an enjoyable and exciting lesson.
Romeo and Tybalt were indicted on murder charges, and Mercutio faced a charge of disturbing the peace. All defendants were cross-examined, and witnesses contributed valuable evidence to the case. The judges steered the trial with authority and determination, reminding the defence and prosecution to rein in misleading lines of inquiry. The jury spent some time deliberating the outcome of the trial. When they reconvened the following verdicts were delivered: Romeo was found not guilty of murder, Mercutio was found guilty of disturbing the peace and the judges sentenced him to 20 years in prison and Tybalt was found guilty of murder and the judges sentenced him to life.
A gallery of photographs from this project can be seen below. Please click on an image to enlarge it.
Miss D Locker
Assistant Head of English