The students were fortunate to be visited by a speaker from the UK-based charity 'Animal Aid'. Diane Smith has delivered presentations to classes in Year 8 as part of an ongoing alliance between the school and the charity for a number of years. Diane talked about the work of the charity, as well as facts regarding animal testing. Pupils thoroughly enjoyed the visit and were able to develop their understanding by asking questions and partaking in the discussions about the work of Animal Aid and its effects on animal welfare.
Next year, the English Department are excited to welcome a new guest speaker, Gwyn Bevan. Gwyn is the Midlands Regional Officer from BASC and he will be presenting information about animals in sport and the issues surrounding areas such as game shooting, hunting and conservation. This will enable the pupils to appreciate a contrasting perspective on matters that they are unfamiliar with, whilst experiencing differing points of view, firsthand.
D Locker
Assistant Head of English