"The start of a new school year brings fresh challenges, new ideas and change. It is a chance to look forward, grow and flourish."
Mr Dunn
This marks the first week back at Chesterton Community Sports College, and for some their first week in high school! CCSC would like to extend a warm welcome to all pupils and parents, both returning and new, and wish you nothing but the best for the year ahead. There are many exciting changes and developments happening this year and we will let you know about them all through the website and Twitter feed.
Important documents from this week can be accessed by clicking on them below.
Term and Holiday Dates for 2015/2016
Year 7 Welcome Letter
Year 9 Welcome Letter
Year 10 Welcome Letter
English Out of Hours Learning
If you wish to contact the school regarding anything please call the office on 01782 568350, or use the school contact form by CLICKING HERE if it is more convenient. Follow our Twitter feed @CCSCstaffs